vendredi 19 avril 2013

Getting in shape with Tribesports

Hey , Golly it's been a while , life has been getting in the way I guess. Going through some  very confusing times , the perks of being 20 something. but hey let's not get all that get in the way, I am here and I am making some life changes ! I am going to be blogging more and if I can I'll also be vlogging more and all that!

  1. GET IN SHAPE   :  I guess that's everyone's goal for the summer , being able to look sexy in a bikini, but after all the time that I said I was going to do it , I  never did. It's good to say I want to lose weight so I  can be fit but what does it mean really? Being fit has different meanings for every one but I had to find out what it meant for me.  I didn't want to be a stick skinny girl, I didn't want to be a muscular girl either  , now that I knew what I did not want to be , I started looking at what would be an ideal  and realistic body for me. I am not fat, nor I am skinny, I have an hour glass shape , big tits and big ass , some might say I am blessed. I love my body shape but it's not exactly how I want it yet,  I have some extra fat that I need to get rid off, I really want to define my hourglass shape and have a body that looks kinda like this:   

Sorry the second one looks a little too sexy, but those are the best examples of what I should look like during the summer!

so what exactly am I doing to achieve this shape? 
  •  I  joined tribe sports and no it's not a Gym, it's a website , a kind of  Facebook, for health ,fitness and sports freaks, where you can log in your daily work-outs , your progress, accept  challenges, encourage and get encouraged by people just like you ! I think the  number one cause why diets and stuff don't work is accountability , if you make a promise to yourself it's easy to break it but if you have some people around you who saw you make that promise you'll bee reluctant to break that promise , so tribesports it's kind of my witness.  it's been already a week since I joined , have done my 100 crunches a day and done my sexy leg work out challenges and set up my own personal challenges. and guess what I have seen results already and I am excited!
so Guys  I challenge you  to join tribesports and follow me and lets work out together @emmaf3