dimanche 13 octobre 2013

Getting back on my feet ,

It's 6:44 Am , like you have read in my last post , I was stuck in  a really awkward situation for a while , stressing ,feeling sorry for myself , afraid to take action , being passive and waiting , for things to get better, how did I ever become this zombie girl , this Ghost in a shell ? Where is my passion my fire , my drive , my craziness ? Why has it gone and left place to shame , idleness, guilt, and fear .

Today I stay stop , stop feeling sorry for myself stop thinking that this situation will not end and that I will not get out triumphant in the end . 
It's time for me to get up and start being positive , do everything i have planned and dreamed off . 
It will take time and be slow but in the beginning but I will get there eventually 

Ok that was all for today . 
I am thinking of making a different blog , where it would be more artistic and relevant to what I like and do ! Not just on my feelings! 

lundi 13 mai 2013


literally I am stuck, writer's block, my lind is in a rut! 
Wondering what i am doing , where I am going , sitting alone at a bar , with my ipad , wondering does this make me look desperate or determined ? Or maybe ,mysterious 

lundi 6 mai 2013

Hey Girls and guys mostly gals and ladyboys hihihih

just saying hello and yes spring is showing it's cute little nose and my birthday is right around the corner oh lord nooooo! I am going to be 23 where has time gone? but hey guess what I am going to advance my studies and knowledge to become a realtor, it's a stretch from fashion but i figured that one thing I want more than becoming a super busy fashion designer , is to be a mom who can provide for her children with money but also time and i am sure real-estate is the place to be right now! no baby in sight for now I have two or more years to go first before a little angel shows at my doorstep with a dad that goes with it!

oh and guess what , it's been a whole year and a few days since I met my boyfriend , and I just got to say how grateful I am for him and his family who have been super nice and supportive and my baby is my backbone , especially during these hard times!

on another note I am addicted to Rupaul's drag race and I am so rooting for Jinxx Monsoon and/or Alaska Hayyyyiiiii! lolx

and of course GAME OF ThRONes , I am just starting A Dance with Dragons but i love the series because I can watch everything unfold on the screen! and the costumes oh my!

ttyl guys!

with  love
Nix Amante today!

vendredi 19 avril 2013

Getting in shape with Tribesports

Hey , Golly it's been a while , life has been getting in the way I guess. Going through some  very confusing times , the perks of being 20 something. but hey let's not get all that get in the way, I am here and I am making some life changes ! I am going to be blogging more and if I can I'll also be vlogging more and all that!

  1. GET IN SHAPE   :  I guess that's everyone's goal for the summer , being able to look sexy in a bikini, but after all the time that I said I was going to do it , I  never did. It's good to say I want to lose weight so I  can be fit but what does it mean really? Being fit has different meanings for every one but I had to find out what it meant for me.  I didn't want to be a stick skinny girl, I didn't want to be a muscular girl either  , now that I knew what I did not want to be , I started looking at what would be an ideal  and realistic body for me. I am not fat, nor I am skinny, I have an hour glass shape , big tits and big ass , some might say I am blessed. I love my body shape but it's not exactly how I want it yet,  I have some extra fat that I need to get rid off, I really want to define my hourglass shape and have a body that looks kinda like this:   

Sorry the second one looks a little too sexy, but those are the best examples of what I should look like during the summer!

so what exactly am I doing to achieve this shape? 
  •  I  joined tribe sports and no it's not a Gym, it's a website , a kind of  Facebook, for health ,fitness and sports freaks, where you can log in your daily work-outs , your progress, accept  challenges, encourage and get encouraged by people just like you ! I think the  number one cause why diets and stuff don't work is accountability , if you make a promise to yourself it's easy to break it but if you have some people around you who saw you make that promise you'll bee reluctant to break that promise , so tribesports it's kind of my witness.  it's been already a week since I joined , have done my 100 crunches a day and done my sexy leg work out challenges and set up my own personal challenges. and guess what I have seen results already and I am excited!
so Guys  I challenge you  to join tribesports and follow me and lets work out together @emmaf3

lundi 18 février 2013

My sweater Beanie , I did It myselff!!!

I look like a child in this pic.

and I made leggings with the sleeves

and here is my finished out fit. yay

vendredi 15 février 2013

TUMBLR FASHION FIND ...(White and Gold)

If you know me , you would know that I usually don't care much for Gold . I use to hate it until now ... I have an obsession with the Combo of  White and Gold , it has something so Etheral  and regal about it. an ancient roman and ancient greek feel to it . So I  am gonna post some tumblr pics I found when I type White and Gold.

what I would not do for the makeup brushes by Mark Jacobs .
lot's of things actually but hey a girl can dream no?         

I don't really know what this is , maybe the inside of a shell , but it's the touch of blue I am more interested in. it's like dying and waking up in heaven.

Those two dresses,  I don't know who did them but the cuteness is undeniable .

Last but not least A designer Who Gets What I mean By White and Gold  Alexander Vauthier.

EMMA IS VENTING!!! (I hate those peplum dresses damnit)

Is it maybe Because I  have seen it a little to much? or maybe because there has been to many imitation of this " thing" the call a dress, I mean come one it's not at all creative or flatering , yet designers are making more and more of those  . Ofcourse taste differ but  I can't understand why the majority of girls  like it , idk maybe there is a glitch in my brain because.for me it looks like you are wearing a long ruffles shirt and  decided to put a tube top underneath . just does not work at all for me...

 ok that's today's vent!

mardi 12 février 2013

My Fashion Blog

This here is my fashion Blog, I will  post my drawings,  my outfits, pictures  that inspire me and write about fashion trends that I like and all that cute crap!